Tuesday, December 27, 2011


MaximsNewsNetwork: 15 September 2009 - UNEP says the underground water supplies, upon which 1.5 million Palestinians depend for agricultural and drinking water are in danger of collapse. A report released by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) today (14 September) warns that the Gaza Strips underground water system is in serious danger of collapse after recent conflict compounded years of overuse and contamination. SOUNDBITE (English) Achim Steiner, Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): The report identifies a number of direct impacts following the escalation of violence in December 2008 and January 2009. But in addition to that it also points to the fact that, for instance the issue of the water aquifer that supplies the water to the people of Gaza is now highly threatened. For thousands of years it has maintained people in that area. In a few more years it may not be able to do so. To address this issue, partly from over extraction but also because of salt water intrusion now coming from the Mediterranean, will mean that urgent action is needed to ensure that the future water supplies of Gaza can be assured. The report on the environmental condition of Gaza following Israels military operation in the region in late 2008 calls for the aquifer supplying 1.5 million Palestinians with agricultural and drinking water to be rested and alternative sources to be found. UNEP estimated that more than 1.5 billion dollars may be needed over 20 ...

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Asbestos Myths Exposed

!: Asbestos Myths Exposed

Asbestos Fact Or Myth Number 1

Asbestos Is Still Used On New Buildings?


Asbestos has not been used on buildings since the year 2000

Asbestos Fact Or Myth Number 2

If Asbestos Has Been Used In A Building Before 2000 It Must Be Removed


If the asbestos is not broken and is in good condition it can remain in place. It is only if it is damaged that it should be removed, and then only by licensed removal experts.

Asbestos Fact Or Myth Number 3

Only People That Worked With Asbestos Can Catch Asbestos Related Diseases


Often the spouses who washed the clothes of people who worked with asbestos can also catch asbestos related diseases. Therefore, asbestos related diseases such as asbestosis or mesothelioma can be contracted by spouses of workers.

Asbestos Fact Or Myth Number 4

You Can Only Catch Asbestosis From Exposure To Asbestos Dust?


There are several asbestos related diseases, including asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer and pleural thickening. Pleural plaques is not actually an active disease but is caused by exposure to asbestos dust. Mesothelioma is usually accepted to be the worst of the asbestos related diseases.

Asbestos Fact Or Myth Number 5

You Are More Likely To Die From An Asbestos Related Disease Than A Car Accident


Probably surprisingly to most people this is true. More people die from asbestos related diseases than do from car accidents.

Asbestos Fact Or Myth Number 6

You Must Go To A Solicitor Yourself To Obtain Compensation


There are several ways you can obtain compensation. What you must ensure is that whoever you use guarantees that you will receive all of your compensation. Some claims companies and even some solicitors will take some of your compensation from you at the end of the claim. Many claims companies will ensure that the solicitor you use will let you keep all of your compensation, so it is important to ask the question and choose one of these companies for your asbestos compensation claim.

Asbestos Myths Exposed

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Home Inspection - Safety Issues - Part 1 of 3

www.homeownerseries.com This is video #1 of a 3-part series. The videos are Part 1 = youtu.be Part 2 = youtu.be Part 3 = youtu.be To watch the Safety Issues Playlist = www.youtube.com SAFETY CONCERNS Intro to Hazardous Materials There are certain materials in home construction in which after their widespread utilization, were found to be hazardous to people. Such materials may still be present in your home so it is a good idea to know what they are. Asbestos Asbestos is a naturally occurring, fibrous mineral. Asbestos that is dry and capable of crumbling is considered dangerous, only when it releases its tiny fibers into the air. Asbestos, if inhaled, is associated with the disease asbestosis, and certain types of cancer. Asbestos has been used widely in the past because it has properties that make it commercially valuable. Asbestos does not burn or easily conduct heat and electricity. Manufacturers continue to use it as roof shingles, roof cements, asbestos cement sheets, house siding, and as asbestos cement water pipes. Such products have virtually no exposure risk. Asbestos has been banned since 1973 for use in areas where fibers could be inhaled, such as popcorn ceilings. Asbestos may be found in some old attic insulation, flu pipes used to vent water heaters and furnaces, as a spray on insulation coating for water pipes, and in old style floor tiles. A licensed contractor must remove asbestos. Laws, nationwide, require the proper handling of asbestos materials before ...

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Cost of Asbestos Removal

!: Cost of Asbestos Removal

If you are planning to remodel your current house or are moving to a new place that will require a little bit of renovation and rebuilding, one of your primary concerns will be asbestos removal. The risks and hazards that asbestos will pose to your and your family's health is the main reason why you should undertake this process, but there are other reasons as well-such as environmental concerns. Over the past few decades, studies and scientific research have proven that inhaling asbestos fibers and particles-which are extremely dangerous and highly carcinogenic-for prolonged periods of time will cause stomach cancer, lung cancer, asbestos poisoning, and mesothelioma, a rare kind of cancer that attacks the lining of major organs in the body. Extended and constant exposure to asbestos and materials made out of this substance will greatly increase the risk to these illnesses.

Asbestos removal is often not advised for homeowners, because when parts and chunks of the material made with asbestos is ripped off from the ceilings, walls, and floors, the particles are released into the air. The mere inhalation of these particles and fibers is very dangerous to one's health, because asbestos particles are quite large and cannot be expelled automatically by the lungs.

The best solution to go about asbestos removal is to contact a qualified professional to do the job for you. These contractors will have all the equipment required to remove the materials with asbestos from your home.

If you are thinking about the costs that such a job will entail, estimates vary from state to state, and they are typically governed by regulations and laws that are specific to each region.

Asbestos removal is a regulated procedure-and a highly dangerous one-so professionals trained in the jobs should be the one to perform the removal in your home. These contractors specialize in the safe removal of every trace of asbestos in a structure-they remove the materials without allowing the mineral to release particles and fibers into the air. There are a lot of DIY asbestos removal kits in the market, but it is generally not advised to do the job by yourself. Contractors employ licensed technicians who have advanced levels of skills and the technical knowledge to use the tools necessary to perform the removal. They also know how to seal off the infected area until all traces of asbestos are removed and decontaminated. Given these facts, you might want to set aside a sizable amount to get the job done. This is a necessary expense, and the amount you will spend now is relatively low compared to the amount you will need for cancer treatment.

The total cost of asbestos removal varies from city to city, but it also depends on the size of your house and how big the area needing removal is. You will also need to have the house inspected twice before any job can be performed. If your roof, ceilings, walls, and floors are all found to contain asbestos, you might be looking at ,000 to ,000 for the whole job.

Cost of Asbestos Removal

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

An Air That Kills : How the Asbestos Poisoning of Libby, Montana, Uncovered a National Scandal

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Nice Design by :Over All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : $15.00Date Created :Apr 16, 2011 19:33:40
The horrifying true story of the decades-long poisoning of a small town and the definitive exposé of asbestos in America-told by the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists who broke it.

In a valley in Montana, the U.S. has spent millions of dollars removing toxic residue from a town that had lain pristine for ages. Until the last century, when the dust came down like a snowstorm. That dust turned a paradise into the worst of America's killing fields, a name at the top of the list that includes Love Canal and Woburn. A place now known to be deadlier than all the rest: Libby.

An Air That Kills is told through the eyes of the men and women who fought back-among them, a woman who watched more than forty members of her family succumb to asbestos; a miner who worked there and carried the poison home; and an EPA investigator who battled not only one of the world's most powerful corporations but also his superiors in Washington. It is the first book to reveal how deeply asbestos has embedded itself into the texture of America: how many people have died or are dying; how the industry and government repeatedly ignored the danger; and how, for many Americans, the dying is not over. It is a suspense story with real American heroes at its heart and one of the most importants works of environmental journalism in years.

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Amosite asbestos and its risks of dangerous

amosite asbestos, also known as brown asbestos, because of his gray brown, or Gruner. Amosite is characterized by its air of delicate fibers and is used to cement sheets and pipe insulation. At the height of recognition amosite asbestos was actually the second most common form of the mineral. Mined in South Africa have many miners suffering from amosite because it was the second most dangerous form of asbestos.

The number of amosite asbestos has been usedprimarily as a flame retardant in thermal insulation products, such as ceiling panels. Brown asbestos is now banned in many countries and has been for several years. But you can still find in old products and facilities to ensure also that present potential risks, particularly because this form of asbestos is very fragile. This shows that crumble easily if they are damaged, so that the release of asbestos fibers into the air, which can then be inhaled to the surface of the material.

Asbestos Poisoning

amosite asbestos is arecognized form of mesothelioma due to asbestos. This is an amphibole. The crystals are different and can be used as flat prisms, brittle grains or long, thin fibers are found. The fibers are often bundled in nature. The long amosite fibers are thin and flexible enough to bend to develop broad arches. This long string amosite fibers break into smaller groups to bring about sharp needle-like fibers.

Amosite asbestos and its risks of dangerous

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Nice Design by :Over All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : $8.90Date Created :Apr 08, 2011 15:21:08
This digital document is an article from UXL Complete Health Resource, brought to you by Gale®, a part of Cengage Learning, a world leader in e-research and educational publishing for libraries, schools and businesses. The length of the article is 6298 words. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Amazon.com Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser. This award-winning resource covers the causes symptoms, diagnoses, tests, treatments and prognoses of 140 health problems; the main systems of the human body, including the circulatory system, the endocrine system, special senses and much more; and a detailed examination of nutrition, and medical and mental health issues.

The last part of the fibers are flat and not damaged or split ends, aFunction that differentiate chrysotile amosite supported. The bundles are often broken and look like a broom tails appear. Part of the glass fibers in a wide range of building materials, which have been prepared with amosite be identified.

As a form of asbestos, amosite has many Cases of cancer (including mesothelioma) Cases in humans from different countries, but particularly near the amosite mines in South Africa, the largest commercial source of amosite in the world. L 'Workers who mined and processed amosite have cancer rates much worse than the general population.

Each mineral is used amosite asbestos in the United States is more likely to amosite mines in Transvaal, South Africa. Ceiling tiles, roofing tiles, tiles, plumbing, insulation board, chemical insulation, gaskets limp, cement sheets, electrical and telecommunications: amosite asbestos was commonly used in insulation and construction products, asIsolation.

Amosite asbestos and its risks of dangerousLiving with mesothelioma Video Clips. Duration : 2.43 Mins.

www.mesovideolibrary.com - Mesothelioma Video Library offers information for people diagnosed with mesothelioma. This video describes Ernie, how to live with pleural mesothelioma. Watch the video on our official website www.mesovideolibrary.com Contact us at 866-404-5805 or info@mesovideolibrary.com help, as will be seen with pleural mesothelioma.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

An Air that Kills: How the Asbestos Poisoning of Libby, Montana, Uncovered a National Scandal.: An article from: Environmental Health Perspectives

!1: Now is the time An Air that Kills: How the Asbestos Poisoning of Libby, Montana, Uncovered a National Scandal.: An article from: Environmental Health Perspectives Order Today!

Nice Design by :Over All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : $5.95Date Created :Apr 05, 2011 13:36:15
This digital document is an article from Environmental Health Perspectives, published by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences on August 1, 2004. The length of the article is 791 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Amazon.com Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: An Air that Kills: How the Asbestos Poisoning of Libby, Montana, Uncovered a National Scandal.
Author: Howard M. Kipen
Publication:Environmental Health Perspectives (Magazine/Journal)
Date: August 1, 2004
Publisher: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Volume: 112 Issue: 11 Page: A650(1)

Distributed by Thomson Gale

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Asbestos poisoning and asbestos injuries

Before discussing the concept of asbestos poisoning, "let's take a look at some basics of matter itself. Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that occurs naturally. It 'was used freely and widely in buildings and other structures over 100 years. Asbestos fibers are durable and robust, but flexible and extremely resistant to heat. Asbestos can in a variety of products, including floor coverings and ceiling coverings in the house, roof shingles, pipe foundInsulation, etc. To give you some numbers: A study was carried out, not too long ago, underlined that in the United States, asbestos was used in about 30 million tonnes and can be found in more than 3,000 products in fields such as automotive, textile, electronics and construction.

However, the material has been found, because a clear link between exposure to asbestos and the serious health effects was established dangerous. When it comes to asbestos poisoning, we refer to any diseaseor injury was caused by exposure to asbestos. It 'important to note that if the asbestos is undisturbed and free, no risk to health is imminent. Asbestos is friable, which means it can be broken only under very low pressure. As a result of separating the minerals in microscopic particles of dust. Since these particles get air, or anywhere near that number of serious health conditions, because that can be inhaledMesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis. A high risk of asbestos poisoning is to hire people with occupational exposure to hazardous substances.

Asbestos Poisoning

In early 1900, researchers and the medical community a new trend of newly diagnosed patients and deaths reported in workers with jobs in the mining of asbestos and asbestos-processing industry. Due to the long latency of asbestos-related diseases, was several decades before the problem manifested itself inits entirety. Thousands of people are often diagnosed and died within a few months.

Asbestos poisoning and asbestos injuries

As already mentioned, there are three serious health conditions directly related to asbestos poisoning.

Asbestosis is comparable with inflammation. It occurs when the asbestos fibers are swallowed or inhaled and get stuck in the lungs. Since the defense mechanisms of the body using an acidic substance with the aim of solving the fibers produced. But theAcid does not affect the asbestos, but directly affects the lung tissue, which in over time, scars. The scars affect the normal function of the lungs.

Mesothelioma is a cancer and death. It 'the only disease that is exclusively linked to asbestos exposure.

Lung cancer is the world number one, ranked the most deadly cancers. Smokers who are exposed to asbestos at a significantly increased risk of developing the disease.

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Healthy Homes Video Series, Volume 1

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Nice Design by :Over All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : Date Created :Mar 14, 2011 06:00:15
Healthy Homes, A Video Series is a DVD that addresses many of the key Healthy Homes Initiative elements based on hundreds of real life examples; recommendations from the EPA, HUD, CDC and other organizations such as the American Lung Association; and interviews on each of the topics from many leading industry experts.Topics include asbestos, arsenic, lead paint, radon, mold, indoor air quality, carbon monoxide, tobacco smoke and 2nd hand smoke, formaldehyde, building material off-gassing, asthma, allergies, pests and pesticides use, and more.The DVD allows the viewer to choose by the topic or to watch the entire presentation. The program is entertaining, high quality, much more in depth than currently available information and short web clips, and highlights the many simple steps that can be taken to help avoid or minimize these common risks found in thousands of homes across the country.English and Spanish Audio

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

asbestos exposure for workers Drywall

asbestos exposure for workers Drywall Tube. Duration : 2.92 Mins.

www.mesovideolibrary.com - Wren Arthur talks about his experience with drywall in the houses. In his case, sanding and dry material used for years by asbestos. To learn more about the history of Arthur Wren this video on our site www.mesovideolibrary.com If you have been exposed to asbestos on your job, please call 866-404-5805 or e-mail at info @ mesovideolibrary . com.

Keywords: asbestos, exposure, drywall, material, arthur, wren, pleural, mesothelioma, joint, compound, popcorn, ceiling

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