Thursday, May 27, 2010

Environmental Compliance: A Web-Enhanced Resource

±1±: Now is the time Environmental Compliance: A Web-Enhanced Resource Order Today!

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May 28, 2010 00:30:09
STAY INFORMED-STAY COMPLIANT-STAY UP-TO-DATEYou can't do business in the United States without complying with a whole new generation of environmental regulations. Get all the information you need with Environmental Compliance: A Web-Enhanced Resource. This resource will never be outdated. With the continually updated Web site, you will always have access to the latest Federal, state, and local regulations. ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALSIf you are in charge of implementing your company's environmental compliance you need accurate up-to-date information on environmental laws and standards. If you are in charge of training personnel you need quick easy access to training materials. Environmental Compliance: A Web-Enhanced Resource provides you with an accurate, easy-to-use resource that meets all these needs. You get weblinks to: search engines, electronic libraries, electric on-line journals, environmental searchable databases, and environmental regulation sites all in one complete resource.ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSORS When you teach a course on environmental compliance, you require time- and energy-saving course materials that give you everything you need to be fully prepared. You need ready-made resources on hand. Environmental Compliance: A Web-Enhanced Resource provides you with a test bank, review questions, downloadable PowerPoint® slides, and useful weblinks. Your students will learn faster and learn more by taking advantage of the resources available on the Web site.GOALS AND OBJECTIVESThis book covers the basic regulatory and state requirements for environmental compliance so you can:oIdentify and define the environmental regulations that require compliance by corporations, agencies, and municipalitiesoUnderstand the conditions that provide compliance or non-compliance with environmental regulationsoUse your compliance knowledge by developing reports consistent with regulatory requirementsoEvaluate the degree of compliance with environmental regulations for a particular industry FIND EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN ONE CONVENIENT RESOURCECarefully illustrated and written in a style that is accessible to the layman and the professional - with a supporting web site that will be continually updated by the author - Environmental Compliance: A Web-Enhanced Resource incorporates the common concepts associated with environmental regulations with new, emerging, and controversial issues of domestic and international environmental compliance. The book serves as a college level textbook and an easy-to-use tool for corporate officers, environmental professionals, and government agency personnel who need and easy-to-read, graphically-rich resource for compliance issues. It walks you through the compliance process: how to comply, what forms are needed, where and to whom to send them, when to send them, and more.

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Saturday, May 22, 2010


±1±: Now is the time Risks, Costs and Lives Saved: GETTING BETTER RESULTS FROM REGULATION Order Today!

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May 22, 2010 02:00:15
In the quarter century since the United States launched a major regulatory effort in the environment, health and safety, much has been learned about regulation. Amidst a great deal of controversy, scholars and practitioners have accumulated a wealth of data about regulation and considerable insight into its costs and benefits and the types of risks with which it seeks to deal.

This book provides the reader with those new data and insights. The authors--economists and scientists--seek in various ways to make regulation more sensible and effective. They have much to criticize, but their purpose is constructive. While it is now clear to all, for example, that regulations have costs as well as benefits, the subtleties of measuring each are a crucial aspect of the new understanding.

Measuring and analyzing risk is another area of regulation where much new knowledge has developed. Here again, this book brings the reader up to date on what has been learned and on the limits of what is possible. The issue, one contributor argues, is an atmosphere of paranoia and neglect in which government attention focuses on minor risks to health and life while neglecting far more serious risks.

Risks, Costs, and Lives Saved will be an invaluable addition to the libraries of all who deal in regulation, be they government officials, lawyers, corporate officers, or politicians. In addition, the book can be readily understood by the general reader interested in this important topic.

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Free Radicals and Inhalation Pathology: Respiratory System, Mononuclear Phagocyte System - Hypoxia and Reoxygenation - Pneumoconioses and other Granulomatoses - Cancer

±1±: Now is the time Free Radicals and Inhalation Pathology: Respiratory System, Mononuclear Phagocyte System - Hypoxia and Reoxygenation - Pneumoconioses and other Granulomatoses - Cancer Order Today!

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May 13, 2010 14:20:12

This book summarizes highlights in the field of free radicals in medicine and biology, with a detailed analysis of the extensive recent literature. It describes results from experimental research work on dust inhalation, hypoxia, and environmental toxicology that uses morphologic methods such as electron microscopy, interference microscopy and time-lapse techniques in tissue cultures. The volume discusses free radical reactions that are probably involved in the pathogenesis of both physical and chemical environmental hazards. It lists radical scavengers that function as useful prophylactic agents in case of unavoidable exposure. A short history of dust diseases that have challenged mankind since prehistoric times serves as an introduction to this comprehensive treatise. It is hoped that by covering this field in one monograph the increasingly recognized and important role of both oxygen- and nitrogen-centred radicals in disease pathogenesis will become clearer. The enclosed CD includes nearly 25.000 literature citations useful as a reference source for researchers, clinicians and students.

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Ways to improve the quality of indoor

Your home may be spic and span. However, there are air pollutants that exist in it, which cannot be seen by the naked eye. It is probably because they are too small to be seen. Or perhaps, they are gaseous form. Others are hidden on walls and some exist on the flooring of any surface you have in your homes.

Since, it is hard to fight these harmful pollutants, it is best that you reduce the risk for it. The question is: how do you do it?

In this article, you will learn more on how to reduce air pollution in your home. But first things first, you have to know your enemy.

Getting to Know the Pollutants

Every person should be aware about the types of pollutants that could exist in your homes and where they could possibly exist. If you want to educate yourself about this, refer to the items below:

1. Radon is one of the gases that could pollute alter your indoor air quality. They are invisible to the eye yet radioactive. They can be located beneath your homes where rock formations are present.

2. Molds are also one of the pollutants and major allergens that can be found in your home. They get transmitted on air through spores and when inhaled they can cause respiratory problems. They also exist in areas of the house that are dampened, where they accumulate and weaken the structures around it.

3. Carbon monoxide is one of the most popular pollutants inside and outside your homes. It is a by-product of using fossil fuels that has failed to combust fully. It also is emitted every time you smoke cigars or if heating devices are failing.

4. VOCs or volatile organic compounds are also gases that have been emitted from various materials. It is known to cause the sick building syndrome which results to health problems, which attracts the neurological aspects of the human body, as well as other general problems.

5. Asbestos are fibers that have been used to create various materials used for plumbing and flooring. This is a commonly found in old houses and is known to cause lung cancer.

Reducing Pollution

Since you have an idea of the common pollutants, the next step is how to reduce their existence into a level that is not harmful at all or even to none. The following are tips to reduce air pollution:

1. Maintain air ventilation. Properly ventilating your house paves way for the entry of fresh air or circulation of good air and ejection of pollutants. As a result, their concentration is lowered to almost none.

2. Install detectors. Gases like carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide now have detectors that are sometimes integrated in smoke alarms to know if their levels are already dangerous.

3. Make sure your pipes are intact and functioning well. If your plumbing system has problems, water leakage is most inevitable. Hence, it could dampen certain area of your house that could lead to growth of molds.

4. You may also want to insulate your homes properly. Proper insulation together with good ventilation prevents condensation that could cause lead to existence of moisture.

5. Have your homes inspected and tested. If you are planning to buy an old house, it is important to have the house checked out by a specialist and let them correct the problem to minimize damage. This is most true in the Case of asbestos and radon gas.

6. Put indoor plants. The existence of plants helps absorb pollutants, particularly carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. Thus, it will help improve indoor air quality, preserving the fresh air and O2-rich.

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Magnetic water is useful for the last three decades

Thousand of people have used magnets to soften their water for the past three decades. People have been using the magnets for the past thirty-five years. There is some controversy over the matter. Many people say that it has the same effect on your water as a water softener (salt), but others claim that it doesn't take out of the minerals that make your water hard, but sort of neutralize them so they don't seem so present in your water.

Treating your bath or drinking water
When you use magnets to treat your water you will notice a difference when you bath or drink the water, however, there really is no difference in chemical make up. Most people will tell you not to drink your water if it's hard because you will have too much calcium or magnesium in your system.

These metals can cause you to have metal poisoning and are harmful in large doses, even thought the two metals are low in toxicity, and there are limits. However, water magnets are a way to treat your hard water.

Magnets will allow the water to pass by and pull the minerals or metals. The stronger your magnetic field and if you use more than one magnetic, you will find that your water will be more affected by the magnets. You can reduce all the build up in your pipers and water heater.

You will also reduce any blockage from the pipes because the metals will be attracted to the magnetic, no matter how thick the build up is. You will want to place the magnetic force between you main valve and the water heater.

If you have another one placed after the water exits from the water heater, you will find that the magnets are more affective. You can use magnets on most types of pipes (cooper and plastic are fine) and you can use anything to attach them, even with duct tape. If you don't have duct tape, you can use string, wire, or even a clamp.

No more soap builds up

The way you can notice a change is when you examine your skin after a shower. You will notice that the soap does not create more, and the skin is not as icky and itchy. In addition, if you pour a glass of tap water you will notice that the smell is slightly different. If you use city water, you should also use a magnet, because it will take some of the chlorine from the water, so that you can safely drink tap water.

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Monday, May 3, 2010

Cruise Ship Holiday Gone Wrong - Accident Claim

Going on holiday is great we all love it; it's the one time we all get to relax and take a break from our hectic lives and spend some quality time with our family and friends. Taking a holiday on a cruise ship may be your holiday of a lifetime or your yearly summer holiday whatever it may be you don't want it ruined by illness or injuries.

Tour operators and travel agents have a duty to all their clients to make sure all accommodation is clean and safe as well as making sure the ship is disease and infection free. Going on holiday is supposed to be relaxing but every year there are holidaymakers who come home feeling stressed, feeling cheated as well as having injuries which may affect their lives forever.

In 1992 a law came into force to implement consumer protection on holiday it's called 'The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992'. It's there to help and protect clients who go on package holiday like a cruise ship holiday.

Over 1 million people took a holiday on a cruise ship in 2005 and this could easily reach 1.5 million by 2010 and therefore any illness or injuries caused onboard a cruise ship needs to be dealt with professionally and in the clients best interests. Thousands of these passengers every year suffer an illness or an injury whilst onboard the ship, these include:

o Slip and Trips onboard the ship due to the negligence of other passengers or staff

o Food Poisoning from poor hygiene standards this includes: Norovirus, Salmonella and Norwalk

o Bacterial infections from poor hygiene and contaminated water this includes: Typhoid, E-coli and Legionnaires disease

o Accidents on day trip excursions when the ship is in port

If you have suffered an injury maybe a broken leg after tripping and falling over something or having been infected with Salmonella whatever it may be this would of definitely ruined your relaxing and stress free holiday. You shouldn't suffer in silence and think what if, you should contact a solicitor who specialises in holiday illnesses and injury compensation claims.

The solicitor will help you make a successful compensation claim not only for your injury or illness but also for:

o Your pain and suffering mentally and physically

o For the loss of enjoyment of your holiday

o Loss of earnings if you've been unable to return to work when you've returned home

o The expenses that you may have had to pay including hospital fees, medicine costs and any other medication you may have had to pay for

You will need to have a solicitor who has knowledge in the area of holiday compensation claims as they can become complex, so don't sit and suffer in silence, make a claim today and get the compensation you deserve!

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Research Methods in Occupational Epidemiology (Monographs in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Vol 13)

±1±: Now is the time Research Methods in Occupational Epidemiology (Monographs in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Vol 13) Order Today!

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May 02, 2010 07:00:02
Occupational epidemiology has emerged as a distinct subdiscipline of epidemiology and occupational medicine, addressing fundamental public health and scientific questions relating to the specification of exposure-response relationships, assessment of the adequacy of occupational exposure guidelines, and extrapolation of hazardous effects to other settings. This book reviews the wide range of principles and methods used in epidemiologic studies of working populations. It describes the historical development of occupational epidemiology, the approaches to characterizing workplace exposures, and the methods for designing and implementing epidemiologic studies. The relative strengths and limitations of different study designs are emphasized. Also included are more advanced discussions of statistical analysis, the estimation of doses to biological targets, and applications of the data derived from occupational epidemiology studies to disease modeling and risk assessment. The volume will serve both as a textbook in epidemiology and occupational medicine courses and as a practical handbook for the design, implementation, and interpretation of research in this field.

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